Luke Riegler

Dear Friends and Family,

As you know, I'm a part of Trabuco Canyon Little League and playing baseball is one of my favorite things to do! On May 18th 2024, we will be celebrating our Closing Day and having a helicopter golf ball drop at our fields, Wagon Wheel Sports Park. The ball that goes in the hole, or closest to it, will win! Last year's winner won $2500! So exciting! 

The Helicopter Golf Ball Drop is our main fundraiser for the season. The tickets are only $10 per ball or 12 balls for $100! The proceeds of this fundraiser go directly to Trabuco Canyon Little League and help serve the needs of the youth of our community. Please help me meet my goal of having 30 balls dropped from the helicopter! It is easy to support me ... simply use the Golf Ball Drop button and choose your donation level! 

Thank you for supporting me and TCLL! 

Luke Riegler

Tee Ball - Angels / Jonsson




Latest Donations

Jaleen Higa donated $200.00
To: Trevor Higa

Corey Higa donated $30.00
To: Trevor Higa

Joe Benefield donated $100.00
To: Oliver Benefield and Jackson Benefield

Nasem Dunlop donated $100.00
To: Carter Dunlop

Jonathan Gerber donated $160.00
To: Mason Gerber

See more donations..